HK 85296049940

Customize visa scheme for mechanical and electrical engineers and help them obtain work permit smoot

Well-known mechanical and electrical equipment enterprises invited mechanical and electrical enginee ...

Company:***Complete Equipment Co., Ltd

Well-known mechanical and electrical equipment enterprises invited mechanical and electrical engineers to China to exchange, WWW.8888VISA.COM to provide a customized Visa program to applicants.

Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
Work Residence Permit Application

Time: July,2018 ~ August,2018


A well-known mechanical and electrical equipment company in China has been well-known in the industry for its insistence on the introduction of advanced technology to improve product quality. The company plans to reform the production process and invites 2 European mechanical and electrical engineers to China to direct exchanges. According to the latest policy, the WWW.8888VISA.COM consultant has developed a Visa scheme which can satisfy both the multiple entry and exit needs of the applicant and the business plan, and advance the reform process, according to the requirements of WWW.8888VISA.COM Consultant, which is based on the latest policy.The WWW.8888VISA.COM Consultant is able to meet the requirements of the applicant for multiple entry and exit.

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